135 - Who Do You Think You Are?

What does it mean to have your identity in Christ. As Christians do we consider what we have placed our identity in. Do we know and how can we know. Pastor Mark has an I am statement beginning with a question mark and each statement thereafter with a statement being in Christ. He shares personal testimonies of those who have battled their identity in Christ. It is a battle in every area of our lives. In relationships, what we do and ultimately who we are. While Satan tells us did God say, just as Jesus was tempted in his identity, we can by the word of God and know the I AM. Rightly knowing our identity affects our relationship with God and others. I think just like Job who lost everything knew who he was in Christ knew reality and clung to the truth which is who God is. A humbling study that causes you to think further.

134 - Wisdom Meets Passion

I work at a multigenerational church, so I decided this book would make an excellent read for my context.  And I was right on.  The book is less of a how to guide and more of a go-do guide.  It motivates the reader to get up and do something.  It's about finding a passion and putting everything you have into it.  It's a easy read and Jared's stories from his life in Africa are really interesting.  The only challenge is that it may make you feel like you live a materialistic life.  I'm not sure if that's a bad thing, but some readers might be offended or upset that someone would challenge their way of life.  I found it powerful, and it caused me to examine how I spend my money.

I got the book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for a fair and honest review.

133 - A Year with G. K. Chesterton

G. K. Chesterton is a genius.  Working through some of the very best of his writing has been quite incredible.  The man is a genius, but still puts his theology within the grasp of anyone.  The book offers short expanded writing based on the Chesterton quote of the day.  Highly recommended for anyone interested in this amazing man.  He influenced Lewis and now you have the chance to let him influence you.